
21/06/2022 - 19/07/2022    
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

Course Introduction 

John F Kennedy famously said “Change is the law of life”. It is now more important than ever for organisations to be ready to adapt and implement successful change strategies. Organisations need leaders who know and understand the principles and effective strategies to manage successful change, leaders who know how to bring people with them on the change journey. This course will help you identify and learn the leadership skills and practical strategies necessary to manage and embed successful organisational change and transformation.

Career Opportunities 

The knowledge and skills you gain from this course are highly transferable and will vastly improve your ability to manage organisational change within your current or future roles.

Course Overview 

Organisations are continually adapting and evolving to future proof their business. Every forward-looking business strategy or plan will involve some element of change. Strong leadership is essential to drive change and transformation. How prepared are you to lead change and transformation within an organisation?

This course will give you the ability to identify the leadership skills necessary to manage organisational change and transformation. You will learn effective practical strategies to help you “bring people with you” on the change journey and how to successfully embed change within an organisation.

Learning Outcomes: 

At the end of this course you will:

Know and understand the various change models and their practical application
Know and understand how to plan for change
Understand the change curve, the various stages of change and the emotions & reactions that present during each stage of change
Know and understand the leadership traits that drive change
Know and identify potential barriers to change and practical strategies to overcome them
Know and understand how to successfully embed change within an organisation

Course Structure 

Part Time: 1 evening/week, 6.30 to 9.30 pm, over the course of 5 weeks


Course Breakdown 

Unit 1: Leading Change: Theory & Practice
Understanding the change curve
Lewin’s change model
McKinsey’s 7 S model
Kotter’s 8 step theory

Unit 2: Leading Change
Your role as a Manager
How to plan for change
Guiding principles for leading change

Unit 3: Leading Others through Change
Understanding emotions
Understanding resistance
Stakeholder engagement

Unit 4: Factors that influence Change
Barriers to change
Sources of resistance
Enabling & engaging

Unit 5: Embedding Change
Success factors
Managing the transition
Sustaining the momentum


How will I be assessed? 

Students will be assessed through a written case-study or project, which must be completed and submitted in the two weeks following the course.

Click here for Programme Dates
Training Provider: UCD Professional Academy

Programme Cost: €1,500
Programme Cost to South West Gnó members: €525.00


Bookings are closed for this event.

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